You can find the products I offer for sale on this page.
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**If you submited an order through the website before February 8th, 2009 you will need to resubmit it**
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1. Video (VHS or DVD): An Introduction to Flint Knapping
1. Video (VHS or DVD): An Introduction to Flint Knapping
Here is a beginner's video introduction to this ancient skill. Bill Metcalfe has been actively teaching the art of flint
knapping for several years. Here he gives an introduction to the tools and methods he uses to produce flint arrowheads.
Teaching methods are clear, simple and with great close ups. Bill explains every move in detail so you can understand
Included are: Using copper billets, spalling large nodules to produce flakes, free-hand percussion flaking, pressure
flaking using the Ishi stick, and notching.
$25.00 + 5.00 S&H
2. Beginners Tool Kit
Includes one hammerstone, one pressure flaker, rubber pad for hand protection and approximately TWO pounds of hand selected,
flat, heat treated flakes of chert.
$25.00 +10.00 S&H
3. Intermediate Tool Kit
Includes one hammerstone, medium copper billet, copper-tipped pressure flaker, deer antler pressure flaker, rubber pad for
hand protection, and approximately FOUR pounds of flakes and workable chert or flint.
$80.00 + 15.00 S&H
4. Master Kit
Includes one hammerstone, one large, medium and copper billets, one copper tipped pressure flaker, one deer antler pressure
flaker, one small antler billet, one copper flint-edger, one rubber pad for hand protection, leather for leg protection, and
approximatley TEN pounds of rock and flakes that are heat treated and ready to work.
$120.00 + 15.50 S&H
5. Magic Wand Copper Billets
$32.50 + 5.00 S&H
$37.00 + 5.00 S&H
6. Lessons
I offer individualized, one-on-one classes at my shop in Central Texas. The full day beginner's class is $150.00 and includes
all materials for the class, about 20 lbs. of heat-treated rock, and personal instruction. Tools are provided for the class,
and may be purchased at a discounted rate at the end of the class. We also display and demonstrate at various Gem & Mineral
shows, artifact shows, and sports shows. Please visit the courses page for information on classes and seminars.
7. Tomahawks--kits or finished
Five to seven inch head and fitted stick for handle, leather for wrapping the handle, beads, horsehair, decorative tin cones,
furs and/or feathers for trimming, artificial sinew for fastening the head.
KITS Plain
Plain Kit $50.00 + 5.00 S&H
Decorated Kit $60.00 + 5.00 S&H
Plain Finished $60.00 + 5.00 S&H
Decorated Finished $110.00 + 5.00 S&H
8. Arrow Kit
Includes one arrowhead, one fitted native shaft, artificial deer sinew for attaching the head, feathers for fletching
$20.00 + 5.00 S&H
9. Knife Kits
Includes chert, flint or obsidian blade (3"-4.5"), one deer antler handle, artificial sinew and leather for wrapping
joint areas, glue, beads and feathers for decoration.
$35.00 + 7.50 S&H
10. Necklaces
Gem quality stone or brilliant glass or natural obsidian arrow heads in the 1.5"-2" size either on bone bead necklaces
or coconut shell bead necklaces or possible custom made to order.
$25.00 + 5.00 S&H
10. Custom Kilns
For years we flintknappers have been converting ceramic kilns for use in heat treating our chert and flint. While they will
work, ceramic kilns were not designed for this kind of work. A standard ceramic kiln is made of insulated bricks that are
only 1.5 - 2 inches thick, and they lose a lot of energy to the outside air. The bricks our kilns are built of are a full
4 inches thick, and as a result they are MUCH more energy efficient than a ceramic kiln. They are also quite a bit easier
to control. The heating units are much more substantial than ceramic kiln coils, and should last for many years under normal
use. Each kiln holds one five gallon bucket worth of spalled material. They are controlled with the same type of infinite
switch that we use on ceramic kilns but because of the energy efficiently they cycle less frequently.
On special order I can build a slightly larger kiln that will hold two buckets worth of flint. We now have operating kilns
in eight different states.
Base price of a kiln is $250 for the one bucket size, or $325 for the two bucket model. We also offer a digital pyrometer
(high temp. thermometer) for $75. Custom sized kilns can be built if you have special needs, call for more info.
One Bucket Model $250
Two Bucket Model $325
Thermometer $75
Flint Knapping and Bow Making with Bill Metcalfe * 766 Gann Branch Rd. * Killeen * US * 76549